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Gifts Aren't the Only Way to Show Love - Guide for Divorced Parents and the Holidays

Mother giving young daughter a Christmas gift

The holidays are a time when many people come together to celebrate with family and friends. For divorced parents, navigating the holidays without feeling overwhelmed or sad can be difficult. This guide is designed to help divorced parents have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Gift Giving Advice

When giving gifts, you don’t necessarily need to talk to your ex about what you’re each giving your children. However, having this conversation could be beneficial to ensure that you are not giving the same gift as your ex. Additionally, you can resolve any potential future argument if you do not think your ex would like a gift you’re giving (for example, an electronic device that the other parent said the child couldn’t have). Giving gifts during the holidays shouldn’t be a competition, but it sometimes feels that way. That’s why having discussions about gifts ahead of time can be beneficial for everyone involved.

There are many ways to show love during the holidays, and gifts are just one of them. Here are some other ideas.

Spend Time With Your Children and Make Memories Together

Some ideas include ice skating, building a gingerbread house, or watching a holiday movie together. These are all great ways to create lasting memories with your kids. Not to mention, it’s quality time that they’ll cherish long after the holidays are over!

Writing Letters

Writing a letter to Santa Claus or family members is a great way to show your expressions and care for others. Additionally, if you write a letter to your children, you’re giving them a gift that will last a lifetime.

Undivided Attention

Giving your children your undivided attention is a great way to connect with them. By putting away electronics and listening to what they have to say, you can connect with your children without screens interfering.

No matter how you choose to show your love this holiday season, remember that your children are the most important part of it all!

Sharing the Holiday With a Difficult Co-Parent?

Not all parenting situations are merry and bright. If you are sharing this holiday with a problematic co-parent, the team at Coker, Robb & Cannon, Family Lawyers can help. Our dedicated family law attorneys have seen all types of co-parenting situations, and we can work to get a better resolution for your situation. Contact our experienced legal team online or by phone so we can start working together. (940) 293-2313

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